Last week was quite a busy week filled with meetings about the upcoming course selection and also, I've recently decided on going abroad next fall! If everything works out, I'd really like to go to Ireland. Hopefully, either Galway or Dublin. Last week, I met with Peggy Imai our study abroad director and we discussed different options, what I could study while in Ireland, and the overall process of applying. It will be a lot of work and a really big change but I'm really excited and it will totally be worth it. :)
Also, last week we had a day off from swim practice (A rarity in itself) so the other sophomore swimmer girls and I went to see High School Musical 3. Okay, so it might sound a little lame but it was an honestly awesome movie and it was sweet to have a day off from practice.
And, of course, it was halloween weekend! Halloween weekend is one of the most anticipated, fun weekends here on campus. On Friday was the halloween dance, which I was only able to go to for a little while because of my swim meet the next day, but it was really fu
nny to see everyone having a good time and dressed up in some incredibly interesting costumes. On Saturday, the swim team got together and dressed up in our costumes one more time. My roommate and I were 80's excercise girls. One of our friends has work study in an alumni office, so we got to wear some highly coveted "Saint Michael's College Class of 1986" pins complete with spandex, a sweatband and a light up jump rope.

On Saturday afternoon, the swim team had their first home meet at the Ross pool against Potsdam. I was really excited to see how many fans we had! It was our only home meet this semester so a ton of family, friends, and swim fans packed the stands to help chee
r us on to our first win. Before the meet, the girls team made posters for eachother and we hung them up around our pool (see picture). Home meets are always my favorite because our friends from school come to watch and the team overall is just really excited and positive. Little things like being able to see your own poster hung on the wall, or being able to play pump up music during warmup, and having all your friends come watch puts everyone in a great mood to swim well. It was a tough week for us practice-wise, but all our hard work is definatley paying off.
But as always, I'd love to hear some of your comments or questions so feel free to say hi! Talk to you all soon!!
1 comment:
Hi Mairead! Love your blog. Thanks for sharing the picture of you and Catie. You both look so cute in your Barbie costumes! Good job at the swim meet yesterday. You did a terrific job on your events.
Cathy (Catie's mom)
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