Hello everyone!
This weekend could not have come soon enough. It was another stressful week here on campus but an eventful one to say the least! On Wednesday, I actually went downtown to Burlington City Hall to attend my first ever town meeting! My Mass Communication and Society class offered extra credit if we attended this meeting which focused on the country's switch from analog to digital television. It was really interesting to listen to the panel of selectmen as well as special guests Bernie Sanders, A Vermont senator, and FCC Commissioner, Michael Copps, discuss the upcoming changes. It was great to get off campus for a night and earn a little extra credit for my class too!
Great things are happening here on campus as well this weekend! There's a ton of socials, which are small get-togethers in our residence halls sponsored by our RA's and res life. Usually they'll show a movie, have some great food and are a great way to meet people in your dorm.
Which reminds me! I promised to write about the highlighter
dance last weekend! Needless to say, it was a blast! Here's a picture of my roommate and my friend and I on our way to the dance. *Note the really cool aviators at night.
Everyone wore white tees and we were given highlighters at the dance. The entire Green Mountain Dining room was blacklight-lit and everyone had a great time.
Weekends are so much fun here on campus. Student life works really hard to provide a ton of fun activities to keep everyone busy Friday-Sunday. Every Friday, students receive an e-mail that tells everyone what different socials are happening in each residence hall, sports games, events happening downtown and, of course, the food that will be served. The Res Life staff braves the cold every Friday and Saturday Night to grill us free and delicious food from 11pm-1am in the quad. Tonight it's grilled chicken. I'm pumped.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend! On Sunday, the swim team has their first official meet at Bentley College in Mass! I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes! Talk to you soon!
xo Mairead
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