Saturday, October 24, 2009

Almost Halloween!!

Hi all!

It's that fabulous time of year again...almost Halloween! And I couldn't be more excited! I just got back from going costume shopping with my roommate and the stores were crazy to say the least. I'm going to be Alice in Wonderland this year but I have yet to find a good costume. I'm thinking a home-made one might have to do the trick....
But anyway it was very busy past couple of days for me :) I'll start with my most exciting events first...
Thursday I went to A Taste Of Ghana, a dinner and fundraiser for SMC students traveling to Ghana, West Africa for their West African drumming class. (yes, you can get college credit for doing awesome things such as African drumming...) We ate some Ghanan food, very spicy but delish, and learned a dance to the drumming beats. I have a new found love for African drumming, seriously YouTube it, it's great.
Things have been busy with swimming of course! On Monday we have our inter-team meet. We practice everyday from 4-6 and we've added some lifting and dryland to our workouts. I've also been getting into photography club along with my photojournalism class and finding that I love taking pictures. I've written two stories for The Defender, our college newspaper, and writing some interesting (not the best) poetry in my Poetry Writing Workshop class. Mid-terms are approaching for most of my classes, I had one last week, so I've definitely been spending lots of time in the library!
Last weekend, I was a tour guide at our Academic Preview Day. The day is like an open house, with a tour, and admission counselors available to talk about the school but also they've added a new aspect to the program with students being able to learn more about academic subjects and specific majors. The day went off perfectly and I was able to meet a lot of perspective students.
We're also having a blogger chat THIS THURSDAY!!!! Blogger chats are a GREAT way to have your questions answered and just to chat with some of the bloggers, and me of course. (They're not creepy either, I sware.)
So next weekend I have some big news as well, I'm going to MONTREAL on Friday to see Jay-Z perform at the Belle Centre! I've never been to Montreal but it's only about an hour and a half away maybe closer from campus and a bunch of students go to Montreal for a little vacation away from VT. I'm soooooo excited. Then when I come back on Saturday it's the Halloween dance!!! Usually, the swim team has a meet that weekend so I'm so excited we'll be able to go this year. I'm sure I'll have many pictures and stories for you all to share :)
This morning I was able to Skype with my friend Catie studying abroad in Denmark. I miss her loads but I can tell she's having an awesome time! As for my Ireland update, I'm starting to get my things together for going in just a few months. Scary that I'll be in a completely new place for so long, but I'm excited to be able to try new things and see some of my family over there.
I know most of the college seniors are starting to narrow down their applications. Please let me know if you have any questions at all, I love getting facebook messages, IM's or e-mails!!! Hope everyone has a great week and talk to you all soon!!

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