I'm so excited I've been getting so many comments on my posts! It's so good to hear that people are reading and enjoying my blog!! I've also been receiving some Facebook messages about what life is like here and I just recently joined KnightSpace (the social networking thing for accepted students) so hopefully I'll continue to do my best letting everyone know what St. Mike's is all about :) But keep the comments coming, I love them!
On my last post, I received a comment about the Journalism program here. I'm a journalism minor and some of my most interesting classes are my journalism ones. My roommate Catie is actually a journalism major. She loves it and is looking to do public relations or maybe some TV reporting :) A journalism major/minor is such a cool thing to have because there's so many things you can do with it! Our Journalism program, I think, is one of the best at St. Mike's. The department has great faculty that are willing to help and who come from all different areas of expertise. And although it is a lot of work, it definitely pays off. Your freshman year journalism classes usually consist of the entry course for a Journalism Major/Minor, Mass Communications and Society. Followed by New Media or Writing for Media I. I'm taking New Media right now and I'm loving it. We're doing all sorts of cool computer things like working with Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver for building web sites. If you're looking into reporting, we have two publications. The Defender is our print newspaper here on campus that covers really interesting stories about what's happening around Campus. The Echo, is the online journalism publication. They're both student-run and journalism students usually provide most of the stories for both. The Journalism Department offers courses in a wide range of classes to cover different interests. There's different feature writing courses every semester, Acting for the Camera, Photojournalism, and Newspaper Management just to name a few. I know that Catie is always running around interviewing people, covering events, and spending a lot of time in Bergeron (the journalism building) and she's had some great stories published in The Defender last semester. If you haven't already you should definitely check out the journalism department website http://catalog.smcvt.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=7&poid=586&bc=1 and I hope I helped a little :)
But anyway, right now I've finished all my classes for the day and sooo looking forward to the weekend! In my comparative vertebrate anatomy class we're studying the anatomy of a cat so I've been spending a lot of time in the bio lab examining cat bones and such for my practical on Tuesday. In our lecture, we're learning about the evolution of vertebrates and why vertebrates have many of the bones they do. It's strangely interesting and I'm actually enjoying it haha. I've noticed I haven't posted pictures in a while so until I take some really interesting ones of me frolicking outside in the Vermont snow or doing
something incredibly riveting here's a nice picture of Me, Catie and Maggie. Enjoy, have a great weekend and keep those comments coming!! :)

Hi Mairead. Great picture of you and your friends! I think you are such a mix of both your mom and dad!
Just wanted to let you know that I passed your blog along to a girl I know from Abington who was recently accepted to St. Mike's. Her mom works with me. She is an absolute sweetheart! St. Mike's is her first choice. So now she is just waiting for the whole package before she can make her final decision. I will let you know if she is definitely going to St. Mike's and maybe you can look her up next year.
Hope you are enjoying this cold weather...I think that our area may have gotten more snow than Vermont so far!!!
Have fun!
Marianne (Dad's cousin)
Hi Mairead, love reading about your life at SMC. My Daughter was accepted and wants to play a sport. How do you manage your time so well, and how do you work out your class schedule. I know she is not an early bird. Can you still make it to a practice if your classes don't start till 10 or 11. Thanks - Lisa F.
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