Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Knight Talk with Mae Quilty '11 from Democracy Matters!
1. What is Democracy Matters?
Democracy matters is a non-partisan, campus-based national organization that works to get private money out of politics and people back in. They offer internships on different campuses across the US and work to train young people as effective grassroots organizers.
2. Why have you gotten involved with this group?
I chose to get involved with this group because as a Political Science major I feel an obligation to take what I learn in the classroom out into the real world. I believe in the importance of democracy and the need to work toward the changes that you want to see. As a part of Democracy Matters, I am able to focus on a wide range of issues while being an active member of civil society.
3. How are you trying to get St. Michael's students involved?
In order to get SMC students involved, I have put information up on the Political Science bulletin board in St.Ed's, sent e-mails, presented to Green Up, tabled in Alliot, and held weekly meetings on Mondays at 5:30 in Eddie's Lounge.
4. What kind of activities and events will you be sponsoring?
So far, we have a few events in the works. On October 21st, the Northeast coordinator for Democracy Matters will be speaking in both sections of Professor Siplon's Introduction to American National Politics classes. In addition, we will hold a panel in the Farrel Room on October 20th at 7:00 with multiple speakers on the topic of money in politics. We are also hoping to host a Rock the Vote Concert to promote participation in the upcoming November election, but details still need to be finalized. Another ongoing project we will be working on is petitioning for signatures for the Fair Elections Now Act which would allow federal candidates to run for office without relying on donations from corporations or lobbyists.
5. Why does democracy matter to you and why do you think it should matter to other St. Mike's Students?
Democracy matters to me because I see it as a privilege. I feel lucky to live in a country where my voice really does matter, and in order to make it count I need to actively engage in my society. There are so many issues out there today that people are passionate about and the cool thing about Democracy Matters is that it is connected to most of them. Whether it's the environment, health care, civil rights, women's empowerment, you name it, it all comes back to the issue of money in politics.
2010 YouTube Video Contest Announced!!

This year's 2010 YouTube Video Contest will be : "Why I Like St. Mike's" Students from all years are encouraged to make a 30-90 second video telling us/showing us why they like St. Mike's. It can be a skit, song, dance, anything!
Participants need to pick up an entry form with the contest rules and regulations at Hoehl Welcome Center. Videos and completed entry forms must be submitted and returned to Hoehl by November 12th, 2010.
Please e-mail me if you have any questions
Don't forget to read the Official Contest Rules carefully.
Official Contest Rules:
Sponsor, Administrator, Prize Provider: Saint Michael's College, 1 Winooski Park, Colchester, VT 054391.
Acceptance of Official Rules: By entering the Contest operated by Saint Michael's College you ("you", "yourself", "Participant") hereby accept and agree to these official rules (the "Official Contest Rules") of this Contest, and the decisions of the Administrator and the Contest Entities in connection with this Contest, whose decisions are final.
2. Eligibility: This Contest is offered and open to persons who are (a) currently enrolled in at least 12 credits at Saint Michael's College, and are determined by the Registrar as "matriculated" students of Saint Michael's College; (b) at least 18 or age of majority in state of residence or older at the date of entry in this Contest. Employees, alumni, and trustees are not eligible to participate in this Contest.
3. How to Enter the Contest and Submit the Promotion Video: To enter this Contest, during the applicable Entry Period each Participant must go to and upload their video. Videos must be uploaded and a completed entry form must be completed and returned to Hoehl Welcome Center by November 12th, 2010.
Videos must be between 30-90 in length. Participants must use the following tags on their video: Saint Michael's College, smcvt, Burlington, Vermont, St. Mikes, btv, college, university, I Like St. Mike’s. The Participant Video must be of your original creation and only show yourself or people that have agreed to appear in Participant's Video. The Participant Video must incorporate a theme of “I Like St. Mike’s”. Videos need to display why the participant “like’s St. Mike’s” (at least) .
Videos may not include copyrighted material or music and consent must be given by all those included in the video.
The performance incorporated into and embodied in the Participant Video entry must be in English and shall not be disparaging, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, indecent, or in any way promote or incite violence, racial hatred, terrorism, or illegal acts, or be otherwise objectionable in Saint Michael's College sole discretion. Additionally, Saint Michael's College can deem in their sole discretion to refuse videos that are sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, offensive, illegal, pornographic, obscene, in bad taste, or which otherwise may reflect unfavorably on Saint Michael's College. These videos are not eligible and will be disqualified.
4. Entry Period: The contest will run from October 1st at 12:00:00 PM EST and ends on November 12th at 11:59:59 PM EST. Only eligible Participant Videos uploaded to YouTube with a completed entry form during the applicable Entry Period will be entered into the Contest and be eligible for voting and the prize.
5. Prizes: First place will receive $250. If there are fewer than 10 submissions to the contest, two prizes will be awarded. First place will receive $250 and second place will receive $100. If 10 or more videos are submitted, there will be a third prize added of $50.
6. Judging: The Participant Video will be evaluated and selected by a panel of judges (the "Judging Panel") comprised of representatives of Saint Michael's College and local media representatives, whose decisions will be final and binding in all respects. The Judging Panel will judge all of the Participant Videos uploaded based on criteria decided by the Office of Marketing and Communications.
7. IMPORTANT: By sending your Participant Video, you agree to the "Official Contest Rules" and grant Saint Michael's College an irrevocable, perpetual, world wide, royalty free license, in Participants original video materials incorporated into the Participant Video, to publish the Participant Video with no compensation to you other than possibly getting your Participant Video published on the website. Participant Videos submitted must be suitable for presentation in a public forum, in the sole determination of Saint Michael's College. Saint Michael's College reserves the right to reproduce the Participant Videos in full or edit and enhance the Participant Videos at their discretion. Saint Michael's College is authorized to use the Participant Videos as they see fit, including usage in advertising. All Participant Videos are licensed to Saint Michael's College in a perpetual and royalty free manner. There is a limit of one (1) Participant Video Entry.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday Knight Talk with Wilderness Program leader Drennan Hicks '11
The Wilderness Program is one the the largest student organizations on campus. We run student- lead trips just about every weekend in the fall and winter in many different outdoor sports and activities. All of our instructors are trained to a professional level making us very different from other outdoor programs. W

2.How has the Wilderness Program benefited you as a student/athlete/person?
The Wilderness Program has allowed me to continue to purse my outdoor interests. I have always loved outdoor sports and the Wilderness Program has allowed me the opportunity to develop excellent technical skills as well and leadership and teaching skills while leading trips. Plus I have the chance to take people into the outdoors and teach them the things I have always enjoyed. I have always liked introducing people to new outdoors sports. I have also met many new people; instructor that always want to be going out and doing things, and participants that I might not have met on campus.
3.What has been your greatest challenge? Greatest achievement?
My greatest challenge has been developing all of my skills. Every instructors has their own personal technical skills that must be solid, but even more important are the skills relating to your participants. We are working with many different people from many different backgrounds and each trip presents a new challenge for the instructor. I think over my 4 years I have improved my skills in teaching, group management, and dealing with whatever situation may rise on a trip. I believe my greatest achievement is gaining my Single Pitch Instructor certification for rock climbing. Next month I am taking the final test to complete my certification.
4.What is the most popular program or activity? What is your favorite activity?
Every program is incredibly popular. Nearly every trip every weekend is full during the fall and winter. A large portion of our student body participates in a trip every year. Many of the trips fill up a few weeks in advance, because people want to make sure they get what they want. My personal favorites are the climbing trips, I am a climbing instructor for the the program so I spend most of my time leading our introduction and second level rock and ice climbing trips.
5.How do you balance academics with all of your activities?
It is difficult balancing academics and my outdoor activities, if I could I would be doing something every day. What I have tried to do every year is set a few days aside to concentrate on work, and some days that I will try and go climbing. I usually try and get everything done I need to before taking a day to climb or lead a trip, because school is the main reason for being here. Sometimes it turns into me doing work after a long day of climbing or leading a trip all day and coming back and sitting down and doing work right away, but it is always worth it.
6.What would you say to someone that is thinking of participating in the program but might be afraid?
To people that might be afraid to go out on a trip I would tell them that I can pretty much guarantee I have seen someone more afraid then you are. Every instructor in the program has professional certifications and spends days and days in the field refining there skills, and learning more. We are there on the trip so people can enjoy all of our great activities in the safest environment possible.
Check back for more Knight Talk posts every Wednesday! :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday Knight Talk with Women's Rugby President Ellen Missert '11!

My roommate Sam and I decided to play spring semester freshman year. We were both athletes in high school, decided not to play a varsity sport at St. Mike's, and just wanted to be part of a team again.
2. What is your favorite part about the season?
Saturdays, most definitely. Everyone loves a solid game day. It is the type of game where you try and tackle the other team as hard as you can, but at the end of the game, we are all friends. When you travel internationally, the minute you tell a foreign rugby player that you also play, you are immediately friends and probably just made their day.
3. What are some challenges you face while in season?
Like any extracurricular, it can be a challenge managing rugby with school work. Everyone on the team always finds a way to handle it and you have the support of 30 team members there with you in the library until late, cramming. We are all there for each other.
4. How has rugby beneffitted you as a St.Mike's student, person, teammate etc.?
I honestly don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't joined rugby. I have made some of the best friends of my life between both the girls and guys team. Also, knowing that I can run and tackle for a constant 80 minutes and survive it, kind of gives me the confidence to do anything.
5.How do you get yourself motivated through hard practices or games?
I just try and think of all the people who are shocked that I play rugby and hit even harder for them :) Plus, it builds character!
6. What is your season like? When do you practice, have games etc.?
We practice Tues-Thurs on North and then on Friday's, we practice on the 3's field, followed by a team dinner. Every Saturday we have a home or away game. We play teams throughout New England and will seldomly have overnight trips. Two years ago we took a trip to the Beast of the East tournament in Rhode Island.
Finally, 7. do you have any advice for someone thinking about playing rugby or someone who doesn't know a lot about the sport?
PLAY! We only have one member on the team who had ever played rugby before. All of us learned when we started. Grab a chair or blanket and come out on Saturday's to watch our team and the guys team play. It's a wicked awesome game and you can't help but not fall in love with the sport.
Check back on each Wednesday for more Knight Talk with an SMC Club, Sport or Program!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
SMC...How I've missed you!!
SO I'm finally back to school and can't even tell you how much I've missed this place. It's taken me a whole week to catch up with all my friends, some of whom I haven't seen in a year, unpack my mounds of stuff, and decorate my new townhouse! So many things have changed this year but I'm happy to be taking everything day by day and loving every minute of it.
Last Saturday I packed up all my things and left one of the greatest summers of my life to embark on my senior year. I had such an amazing summer on the Vineyard and met so many amazing people, families, and I felt so blessed to be living such a life! I was a little stressful leaving myself one day to pack up but I did it somehow. I moved into Townhouse 321 on Sunday afternoon and then it hit me...
I mean I always knew this day would come but seriously?!?!? Where did the time go. It was so good to see my roommates though Sam, Ellen, and Cassy who I hadn't seen in months because they had all studied abroad as well.
The next few days were beyond stressful. My thought process in Ireland (if I had any at all) when choosing my classes was not organized and I had a lot of rescheduling to do. I finally got my act together and I'm taking Marketing, Film Photography, American Literature, Media Law and Ethics and then my internship with the Department of Marketing and Communications!
That brings me to my next exciting/scary thing, my internship. Like I said previously, I still feel (and some say look) like the 18 year old girl who came to St. Mike's thinking that four years would feel like forty. I was sadly mistaken and now its come time for me to hear scary words like "budgeting" "career" and finally, my personal fave "real world". But aside from being initially shocked, I feel like I'm going to learn a lot with my internship and as the secretary of communications on the Student Association this year.
All in all, I'm hoping to learn, have an amazing year and somehow be ready for that nasty G word (graduation) when the time comes.
The roomies and I have been working away and have just made the addition of some very comfy couches (obtained on a budget price, obviously) and some harvest-y, fall decorations. Pictures to come, don't you worry!
Swimming will be starting up very soon and I'm really excited to get back into the water. In addition, we have a lot of cool things coming up on campus this fall. This weekend is the Welcome Back Bash sponsored by the SA! We're going to be having fun slip n slides, bbq's, music, and activities all outside on the 300's rugby field...conveniently located right outside my house!
I hope everyone is starting to get back into the swing of things...I know its going to be a challenging year with lots of changes and transitions but I'm excited for everything to come! I'll keep you posted and thanks so much for following :)