Tomorrow we have another culture event with our program making St. Bridgid's c

The mere sense of living is joy enough. - Emily Dickinson
(another picture of the Bay!)
I've also been planning out some places to travel and different cultural things to do. I'm going to London with a few friends the first weekend in February and I'm SO EXCITED!!! I also can't wait for Paris in late February with our program!! Also, SO EXCITED!
I'm adjusting to living here and getting used to all of the cultural differences slowly but surely. I've found my fave junk food place is Supermac's (can't go there too often) and that the chocolate here is way better than in the states! I love Cadbury buttons and flakes and I'm hoping to sneak a lifetime supply home with me in May. I do miss St. Mike's and my friends back at school but it's nice to be in a different environment and I love meeting so many new people. I miss Tostito's chips and queso real bad. I'm hoping to have some sent to me real soon....hint hint.
Yesterday was Societies Day at NUIG and I've never seen anything more fun, seriously. There was a huge room with music and tables of all the different societies. They had groups for legit EVERYTHING. I joined International Society which had a get together at a pub downtown last night where I met so many more people!! I also joined Photography Society, and of course Food and Drink Society. Because, honestly, we all know how much I love free meals and wine tasting!! :) I'm also so excited for Photography society because they sponsor trips and traveling for really cheap!!
I hope that everyone in Vermont is staying warm, I'm starting to get used to the very regular rainstorms I've been encountering on my walks home!! I'll keep everyone updated and I love hearing from everyone on my blog!! Talk to you soon!