Hello everyone!
I hope everyone has had a great weekend! Yesterday it was almost 50 degrees out and I was walking around in a long sleeve shirt and flip flops and I wake up this morning to blizzard like conditions. Okay maybe not blizzard like, but it was intensely snowing. Hopefully spring is right around the corner? Such a tease... But anyway...
It was the last weekend here on campus before we go home for spring break on Friday. Spring break could
definitely not come at a more needed time. It's getting a little stressful around here with work for all the students so I'm sure everyone will be happy to go home and relax. I
unfortunately will be getting my wisdom teeth out St. Patrick's Day which I'm wicked bummed about but hopefully I'll have a speedy recovery and its much better that I'll be dealing with it all at home on my couch.
This weekend was
definitely awesome. On Friday, my brother came up to visit with a few of his friends. They're really funny guys so it was really good to see them. On Saturday I went to the lacrosse and hockey games in which the Knights came out on top for both! The lacrosse team beat Dominican College 13-1 while the hockey team won the NE-10 Championship 3-2 against
Stonehill. There were a ton of students at both, especially the hockey game where the Student Association provided a bus full of fans to the game at Cairns Arena. It was
sooo much fun and it was a great game to watch.
Yesterday was room selection which is always kind of stressful but I think its really fun and exciting to see where you're going to end up living for the next year. The suites and apartments are typically where Juniors end up, but there are no guarantees. Three of my girl friends and I decided to put in a ticket to request living in an 8 person suite with four other girls, as well as try for a four person apartment. It turns out one of the girls got a really great lottery number so we were able to get to live in Ethan Allen apartments next year. I'm so excited because Ethan Allen is on our North campus which is actually not even that far away from Main Campus, but there are shuttles every 15 minutes going back and forth so that won't be a big deal because North is a really cool place to live and everyone says you have to try it at least once. On top of being on North, Ethan Allen has a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. So needless to say, I'm so excited. It will be a nice change and I'm glad I got the whole room selection figured out and we actually scored a really nice deal out of the whole thing :).
In other news, now that swim practice is non-existent, the team has started to do alumni swim lessons for the kids of alumni parents and I think some staff members as well. Most if not all of the team has some sort of
Lifeguarding, Swim Lesson teacher background so all the kids seem to really enjoy it and we have a great time being there too. I'm teaching Level 2 so my kids are little but so adorable. The only problem is having them stay in the cold pool for a half hour. I used to teach a lot of swimming lessons two summers ago so I've
definitely missed it!
Also, the Celtic Knights have been anxiously preparing for
The Concert For Saint Patrick, where I'll be dancing with the Celtic Knights as well as doing a little something for the McFadden Academy where I take classes as well. So if you're around March 28
th you should come and we'd love the support!
So anyway, lots of things going on! I'll make sure to update everyone from home but until then have a great week and talk to you soon!