So, Monday marked the first practice of swim season. (Dun Dun Dun) Being on a varsity team for such a long season is hard work, but having awesome teammates totally makes it worth while. We practice everyday from 3:30-5:30 at the Ross sports center pool with dryland and lifting twice a week in the gym. My favorite part of swimming is most definitely the meets. It's so great to have everyone cheering for you and competing with other teams. Swimming is more or less an individual sport but ironically, I think we have one of the closest teams on campus. Even though we have a ton of freshman this year, everyone gets along so well and we all hang out with each other on the weekends.
Even if you aren't ready to commit on the varsity level, Saint Mike's offers a ton of intramural sports that are a great way to have fun, stay in shape, and meet a bunch of great people. Last year the girls on my floor threw together an indoor floor hockey team. We basically laughed our way through every game but it was a great way to stay in shape and make fun of my friends. (Just kidding! Kinda...) Just last night my roommate Catie and I stopped by the 300s field to check out some of our guy friends playing an intramural softball game. I think they're on the road to clinching a playoff position so they were definitely in the zone. So whether you enjoy the love/hate relationship of varsity sports, or just like to smack around a few floor hockey sticks, or maybe you're dying to make it to the intramural championship to win one of those coveted t-shirts, Saint Mike's has a ton of ways to keep you active and having fun :).
So on that note I'll include a lovely picture of the girls swim team from last year on our way to the end of season athlete dinner! Hope every one's having a great week and feel free to ask me any questions or just say hi!